Another winter sporting season is drawing to a close, and there is a lot to reflect on. My own football (and by football I mean soccer you philistines!) team made the semi-finals but got knocked out there, which was pretty good for a newly formed team. The girls team I coach has done fabulously well to get to the grand final, and oldest boy is not only in a grand final but qualified for Champion of Champions again (overachievers 😜). I get to referee a grand final in my maiden refereeing season, which is a great honour that I hope to reward with a good performance in the centre. All in all happy days from a football perspective, a season to be proud of.
As I reflect on the year, I think I learned the best lessons from the u12 girls I coach. I have to open with full disclosure. I am a rubbish technical coach. Thankfully I have played for a few years, so have experienced a grab bag of coaching drills and techniques to draw from, but I have lots to learn. I have loved coaching these girls despite my limited experience and ability, and we have come such a long way together.
What I am always remembering is what my goal for the season is for these girls. A grand final is lovely, but the main thing I wanted was for all of them to enjoy playing football and to want to play again next year. That usually does mean picking up some skills, but more importantly to have fun at training and feel part of a team that supports each other to have fun together, whether they have won or lost. And for each girl to feel that she has made a valuable contribution is a big part of that. I feel like we have achieved this with our girls, as much by the enthusiasm and contribution of each girl and her family as anything I have done. Very grateful and much to reflect on – from setting the right goal and how that happens in a team.